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November 30th

Palazzo Mezzanotte
Piazza degli Affari, 6 - Milano

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President, ICE

Ambassador Umberto Vattani was born in Skopje Macedonia on 5 December 1938. After studying in France, Great Britain and the United States (on a Fullbright Scholarship), he graduated from the University of Rome with degrees in Law in 1960 and in Political Science in 1962.
Selected by competition by the Bank of Italy in 1961, serving at the Office of International Studies and Economics.
Embarked upon the diplomatic career in 1962; member of the Italian Delegation to the UN General Assembly in 1963 and in 1965; posted at the Italian Representation to OCSE in Paris in 1966 and Counsellor at Italian Embassy in London from 1969 to 1974.
Deputy Cabinet Chief of the Minister for Foreign Affairs from 1975 to 1978; Cabinet Chief for the Minister for Scientific Research and Technology from 1978 to 1980; Chief of the Special Secretariat of President of the Council of Ministers Arnaldo Forlani from 1980 to 1981; subsequently made Minister-Counsellor at the Italian Embassy in London.
Returning to Rome in 1987, served in the General Secretariat of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as Chief of the Office of the Secretary General, subsequently assuming the position of Diplomatic Counsellor of the President of the Council of Ministers and, contemporaneously, of Personal Representative of the President of the Council for the Summit of the seven most industrialised countries (1988-1992). In April of 1989 was named Ambassador.
Ambassador of Italy to the Federal Republic of Germany from July 1992 to August 1996 and later Chief of the Cabinet of Minister for Foreign Affairs Lamberto Dini.
Ambassador Vattani also was: Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs from September 1997 to September 2001; Permanent Representative of Italy to the European Union in Brussels from 25 September 2001; Appointed Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on 9 January 2004; Ehrenbürger of the University of Bonn, 1993; made an Honorary Member of the Academic Senate of the Open University of Berlin in 1998; Professor of the History of European Integration at the Open University for Social Research in Rome (LUISS) from 1999 to 2001; appointed President of Venice International University since 2000.