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November 25th

Milano - Via Röntgen, 1
Aula Magna - Università Bocconi

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Editor and Associate Publisher, Class Editori Spa

Editor and Associate Publisher of MF-Milano Finanza, leading Italian newspaper of business and financial information. 45 year old, degree in Economics, Certified Accountant. Professional journalist since 1987, his career has so far totally developed in Milano Finanza, which he joined since its establishment. He is Member of the Board of Directors of Class Editori, publishing house listed on the Milan Stock Exchange from 1998, and of others subsidiaries of the Group, among which the US monthly Global Finance, the sat TV channel CLASS-CNBC and the e-publishing company e-Class. He is also member of the Scientific Committee of the magazine “La valutazione delle Aziende”, edited by Professor Luigi Guatri, as well as Member of the Executive Committee of EBP, European Business Press, the European Association of Publishers of business and financial newspapers.