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November 19th

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Cristina TAJANI

Councillor for Labour Policies, Economic Development, University and Research, Comune di Milano

Cristina Tajani graduated in Economic and Social Studies from the Università Commerciale "L. Bocconi " in 2003, presenting a thesis in political economy under Professor Giorgio Lunghini.
In 2007 she received the title of Doctor of Philosophy in Labour Sciences at the State University of Milan discussing a model for the employment impact assessment of the introduction of temporary agency work in Italy, under the supervision of Prof. Michele Salvati.
She subsequently won a research fellowship at the Department of Work and Welfare of the State University of Milan. She was a scholar in industrial relations and political economy at the University of Milan, where she has also taught.
During the 2005/2006, 2006/2007 and 2008/2009 school years she held teaching modules for secondary students as part of "Right to Work" an education project under the auspices of the Province of Milan and promoted by the Fondazione R. Franceschi.
Cristina Tajani was the Italian correspondent for EIRO (European Industrial Relations Observatory) between 2007 and 2009. She has regularly collaborated with the Industrial Relations web portal Il diario del lavoro, and with the magazine Mosaico di Pace. She has participated in various universities and research centres’ research projects (University of Milan, University of Milan - Bicocca, Institute of Social Research, IRS). From 2003 to 2011 she was an official of the Camera del Lavoro of Milan, undertaking study assignments and research. She edited the five "Work in Milan" reports issued by the Monitoring Centre set up by Assolombarda (Lombardy entrepreneurial association) and the Italian Trade Unions - CGIL, CISL, UIL. From 2010 to 2011 she was a member of the FLC-CGIL Secretariat in Milan, the knowledge workers' union, with responsibility for university.
Since June 2011 she has been full-time Councillor for Labour Policies, Economic Development, University and Research for the Comune di Milano in the Cabinet of Mayor Giuliano Pisapia. She has published articles and short essays of scientific and trade union interest in national newspapers and magazines. Selected articles can be found at (Home page and Blog page, under “Altri articoli”). She is the curator of the book Trent'anni di lavoro, imprese e sindacato nei trasporti in Lombardia,(The Effort to Change. Thirty Years of Labour, Business and Trade Unions in Lombardy's Transport Sector "), Franco Angeli, Milano, 2011.

She has written chapters in various volumes including:
VV.AA. La gabbia dell'orgoglio, Roma, Aracne, 2002.
VV.AA ., Precariopoli. Parole e pratiche delle nuove lotte sul lavoro, Roma, Manifestolibri, 2005 (editing the annotated bibliography on the transformation of work).
VV.AA ., Pubblico/Privato. Quindici anni di liberalizzazioni e privatizzazioni. L’esempio delle Public Utility, Milano, Punto rosso, 2007.
Distretti e strategie di uscita dalla crisi, (Regalia, I., ed.), Milano, Bruno Mondadori, 2011.
Piccolo Nord. Scelte pubbliche e interessi privati nell'Alto Milanese, (Tosi S. and Vitale T., eds.), Milano, Bruno Mondadori, 2011.